
Unconditional Mitigation Activities Inside Ghana’s NDC

The unconditional mitigation activities are programme of actions (POAs) in the NDC for which Ghana commits to deliver and as of at the time of the publication of the Updated NDC in November 2021, financing had been secured either partially or in full.
The Article 6 Office wishes to inform the general public particularly Mitigation Activity Participants (MAPs) or those with interests in understanding the criteria for mitigation activities from the Unconditional List of Ghana’s Updated NDC from 2021 to 2025 of the following:
  1. Ghana shall NOT Authorise any ITMOs arising from mitigation activities from the unconditional mitigation activities for 2021- 2025 referred to as the “RED LIST” in Volume 1 of Ghana’s National Framework for Market and Non-Market Mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
  2. The mitigation activities belonging to the “Red List” are considered to not be “Additional” as they would be implemented without Ghana’s participation in the Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement.
  3. The “Red List” comprise mitigation activities the 9 unconditional mitigation programme of actions itemised below:
    • Cocoa Forest REDD+ Programme.
    • Shea Landscape Emission Reduction Programme.
    • Tree on-farm programme.
    • Urban transit programme (better vehicle maintenance, fleet renewal).
    • Promotion of non-motorised transport.
    • Restriction of importation of over-aged vehicles.
    • Promotion of energy-efficient light bulbs in homes.
    • Switch from fuel oil to gas in thermal power plants.
    • Conversion of single-cycle to combine cycle in thermal power plants.
  4. Mitigation outcomes from the Red List activities shall NOT require Corresponding Adjustments and shall be used by to meet its NDC target.