The Ghana Carbon project must reduce emissions or increase sequestration of Carbon in a manner that is real, permanent, verifiable and additional. Additionality is a concept from international Carbon project accounting principles that requires a project activity is additional to “business as usual” and would not have occurred in the absence of an incentive provided by a Carbon offsets market. Carbon reduction projects registered on the Reserve must be verified by an independent third party after passing the eligibility criteria laid down by the reserve. Check Eligibility. After a project has been positively verified and approved by the Reserve, it is officially registered on the Reserve and issued offset credits known as Mitigation Outcomes (MOs).
The GCR has a Grievance and Appeals Mechanism (GAM) which is a system that assists the Article 6 Office, Mitigation Activity Participants and the general public to resolve complaints and grievances in a timely, effective and efficient manner. The Mechanism follows an independent grievance mechanism established by the Article 6. Board. You can click on this link Grievance and Appeals form to download the Grievance and Appeals form if you have any grievance or appeal.

Issued MOs

Number of Mitigation Outcomes that have been issued.

Transfered MOs

Number of Mitigation Outcomes that have been transferred.

Holding MOs

Number of Mitigation Outcomes yet to be issued.

Cancelled MOs

Number of Mitigation Outcomes that have been cancelled.

Ready for Authorization

Number of Mitigation Outcomes ready for authorization.